

Before we get started, I have to tell you this story really quick about a fly that got in my apartment just now. I was laying on my bed talking to my mom about something grammy said to her, and this dumb fly just kept buzzing around the ceiling. My mom stopped her story five times to ask if I was okay because apparently I was making a "noise" every time I swatted at this PEST. I told her I was fine--there's just this dumb bug in my room that doesn't know how to do anything. It just kept flying into the mirror over and over. My bedroom is really quiet, so I put the phone up and my mom said she could hear it!

When I was younger, before middle school started, we used to have grill-outs on the 4th of July. Once, my dad was carrying in a big plate of burgers and franks from the patio and walked right into the sliding-glass door and everything fell! So that's what me and mom were laughing about tonight. My dad only made that mistake once, not like this stupid fly. Even if I was as dumb as a fly, I still can't see myself running into the same wall over and over again. I even jokingly said, "Hey, FLY. Stop that, you dummy. Go the OTHER WAY!"

On to more important business...

Dang it, I can't even remember exactly what I was going to blog about. Let's see, well, Control (the new Joy Division movie) should be coming here pretty soon, work was fine today and, oh yeah, my ex-girlfriend still hasn't called me back. I'm not even sure what to do at this point, whether I should just keep calling or try and forget about her. I'm afraid if I forget, then she'll definitely forget. I hope she never forgets; I won't. I can't.

Rest in Peace, asshole.